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Climate Resilience Guide
Learn how to get started building resilience to climate change. Understand some of the extreme conditions and risks of climate change, and how to prepare.
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Job One for Humanity
Visit our partner organization, Job One for Humanity, and become a member to access more resources and ideas about climate safe communities, plus climate change in general
Power outages from space weather, manmade EMP: how to be ready (with Dr. Isaac Jamieson)
A great presentation from Dr. Isaac Jamieson, Head of Resilient Innovation research unit, Thammasat University:
Addressing vulnerability to space weather, manmade EMP risks and other causes of power outages
Author Les Kuzyk discusses climate change and the power of telling stories.
Interview with author
ClimateSafe Villages Interview with Michael Wayne
Climate Safe Villages and the Future of Climate Change
ClimateSafe Villages Interview with Climate Emergency Forum
Climate Emergency Forum Presents ClimateSafe Villages with special guest Lawrence Wollersheim
Urban Resilience Communities Guide
This guide offers a practical way to prepare and adapt to the inevitable challenges posed by climate change, even for those who are unable to migrate to safer areas. It’s a community-oriented, adaptable, and resilient approach to facing the future.
Monthly Q&A Panel Events
ClimateSafe Villages offers monthly Q&A panel events for full members. In these engaging sessions, we hear from experts in climate science, agriculture, resilience, and community-building, who provide insights for preparing for climate change. These experts respond directly to members’ questions in a conversational and supportive environment.