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Are you ready to become a CSV Member?
Why become a member?
Because you’ll learn how to prepare for food scarcity, fire, floods, unrest and other impacts of our new climate.
Climate Safe Villages is a global community whose members are problem solvers. By becoming a full member, you’ll have access to our member portal and Basecamp - a forum that allows you to choose your area of interest and jump into the conversation. You can also view the active CSV locations and apply to join.
CSV members are here to build. Whether you’re interested in learning how increase resilience where you’re at, or considering migrating to a safer region, our focus remains sharp. We’re discussing how to make our current homes and communities survivable and for those considering relocating, we’re actively recruiting to fill spots in 3 communities in the Pacific Northwest, Upper Midwest and Northeast.
Your membership contributions not only facilitate these important discussions, but allow our volunteer staff to continue producing valuable content and climate survival resources including CSV resilience guides, climate impact research, webinars, virtual events and videos.
Memberships makes the Climate Safe Village mission possible.
Our partner organization, Job One for Humanity, has separate membership options. Check out their website for more resources and ideas about building climate safe communities, plus climate change in general.